Léčba hypertenze fixní kombinací – nové důkazy // SOLEN

Via practica 10/2009

Treatment of hypertension with a fixed combination. New evidence.

The guidelines for treatment of hypertension list combinations of various antihypertensives. The effect of these drugs is commonly potentiated. However, one needs to realize the risk of lower patient adherence while having to take multiple tablets. A number of fixed combinations are available that are easier to use and, thus, patient adherence to treatment is more likely. Adherence certainly is a problem in hypertensives since the condition is chronic, often symptomless, and reaching the target pressure mostly requires combination therapy. In 2008, new studies concerning the combination therapy for hypertension were published that have a major impact on everyday practice and may positively affect the treatment of our patients.

Keywords: hypertension, combination therapy, fixed combination