Via practica 6/2007


Pregnancy represents an important period of different changes in woman organism. Great changes are developing on the skin and the mucosae membrane. In this period there are developing the changes, that are physiologic and not all of them would disappear after finishing of the pregnancy. Pregnancy influences existing skin disorders, some of them have better course and another could become worsen. Special group is created by specific dermatoses in pregnancy, which could be developed only in this period. They could be repeated in the future pregnancy, but it is not a regular rule. The treatment requires an increased attention. In the first trimester only an obligatory therapy has to be administered. If the therapy is unavoidable it is necessary to consider carefully benefit and risk. The topical treatment has its restriction in the pregnancy, too.

Keywords: pregnancy, physiologic changes on the skin, psoriasis, polymorphic eruption (PUPPP), autoimmune disorders.