Klasifikácia krvácavých komplikácií antitrombotickej liečby u kardiologických pacientov // SOLEN

Via practica 5/2009

Bleeding scale and bleeding complication of the antithrombotic therapy in cardiologic patients

Antithrombotic drugs are the cornerstone of the cardiovascular medicine. Bleeding is certainly the hottest problem of the chronic antithrombotic therapy. Contemporary bleeding scales do not assess bleeding complications of anticoagulation and/or antiaggregation therapy, because they were primarily designed for thrombolysis in pantients with myocardial infarction. The new bleeding score proposal was developed to focus on chronic antithrombotic therapy and their complications. The recent data from many registers shows incorrect dosage of antithrombotic therapy and define risc factors of bleeding.

Keywords: antithrombotic therapy, bleeding scales, risc factors of bleeding