Via practica 2/2010

Urinary incontinence in GP clinic

Urinary incontinence is serious economic, social and medical problem. Prevalence ranges from 10 to 30% and raises with age. During diagnostic investigation is obligatory to distinguish stress, urge, mixed eventually the other type of incontinence. Helpful is detailed history with the use of ICIQ-SF questionnaire, fysical examination including tests for incontinence, measurement of rezidual urine and laboratory examination of urine and blood. Examination at specialist (urologist, urogynecologist, neurologist) is indicated in presence of complicating factors, also when basic examination fails in determination of grade and type of incontinence or in failure of primary treatment od incontinence. In mild stress incontinence mostly behavioural actions and pelvic floor exercises are recommended, in urge incontinence mostly antimuscarinics and in other types of incontinence resolution of incontinence reason.

Keywords: urinary incontinence, ICIQ-SF, pelvic floor exercises, antimuscarinics