Via practica 5/2022

Indications of enteral clinical nutrition

Malnutrition constitutes serious health risks for most patients. Nevertheless, is a poorly diagnosed and treated medical problem. In several countries screening, diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition represent an integral part of healthcare. Due to the scope of the issue is the necessary cooperation of many specialists. Early screening, diagnosis and treatment would improve not only the health and the quality of patient life and, last but not least, financial costs associated with its complications. Clinical nutrition is a significant part of health care for the patients suffering from food intake problem and need a modified approach and composition of nutrition. In year 2014, was allowed that also general practitioners can independently, under precise conditions to manage enteral clinical nutrition, thereby ensuring a better availability of enteral nutrition for the indicated group of patients in general practitioners.

Keywords: malnutrion, screening, diagnosis, clinical nutrition, enteral nutrition, prescription, sipping