Hypersomnie centrálneho pôvodu: narkolepsia, rekurentná a idiopatická hypersomnia // SOLEN

Via practica 2/2014

Hypersomnias of central origin: narcolepsy, recurrent and idiopathic hypersomnia

Sleepiness predisposes into daytime performance decrements resulting into potent life threatening domestic, work related and driving accidents. Hypersomnias of central origin belong into the rare sleep-wake disorders with the main complain on the excessive daytime sleepiness, not being elicited by night sleep disruption, circadian rhytm, somatic or mental disorder. Typical clinical features and polysomnographic findings allow to identify separately narcolepsy, recurrent and idiopathic hypersomnias. The understanding of these factors related to a complaint of sleepiness is critical in appropriate evaluation of the patient, once diagnosed, can be adequately treated.

Keywords: hypersomnias of central origin, narcolepsy, recurrent hypersomnia, idiopathic hypersomnia.