Fixné kombinácie kalciových blokátorov a inhibítorov angiotenzín konvertujúceho enzýmu v liečbe hypertenzie // SOLEN

Via practica 3/2010

Fixed-dose combinations of calcium channel blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in hypertension

Arterial hypertension seems to be a major risk factor in shortening of life expectancy of the population. If happens accumulation of other risk factor as are hyperlipidaemy, diabetes , metabolic syndromes, sedentary life style and smoking, we have got a „poison cocktail“ of the risk factors. To cut this „Gordian knot“ we may by lowering of elevated blood pressure to the target levels, by choosing effective antihypertensive medication with additive benefits and supported by clinically relevant data from large prospective evidence based medicine clinical trials. Facing the high and very high risk patients we are allowed to initiate treatment of elevated blood pressure with double combination therapy, if possible using fixed-dose combinations. Considering all classes of hypotensive drugs, clinical data from major trials favorised medication acting on RAAS and amlodipine, in contrast to beta blockers and diuretics (might except of indapamid). In the article author analyzes in more detail manner advantages of using predominantly ACEi and dihydropyridin CCB in fixed-dose combinations and mentions clinical trials, which supports their using in the treatment of hypertension.

Keywords: hypertension, adherence to treatment, calcium channel blocker, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors