Via practica 3/2020

Ezetimibe in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia

Currently, the primary aim of lipid‑ lowering treatment is focused on reduction of LDL‑ cholesterol, because there is a compelling evidence for association between its decrease and the decline of cardiovascular events. Ezetimibe in combination with statins effectively reduces the levels of atherogenic lipids and, in particular for high‑ risk individuals, this therapy is associated with significant reduction of cardiovascular risk. This therapy is very well tolerated and current availability of a fixed combination of ezetimibe and statins improves patient’s compliance with treatment and increases the likelihood of achieving lipids targets in a broad spectrum of treated population.

Keywords: ezetimibe, simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, LDL‑cholesterol, cardiovascular risk, atherosclerosis