Via practica 4/2006

Erectile dysfunction – prevention , diagnostics , treatment

Epidemiological studies have greatly improved our understanding of the prevalence and incidence of erectal dysfunction (ED), as well as the associated risk factors in men. ED is an important medical problem estimated to affect 150 milion men worldwide at present. This figure is projected to more than double ba the year 2025. ED is highly prevalent condition affecting the quality of life of man and his sexual partner and may be considered as the clinical manifestation of a vascular disease attacking penile circulation as well as angina pectoris is the typical manifestation of a vascular disorder affecting coronary circulation. Diagnosis and therapy are simply and practically managed by guidelines and recommendations of European Association of Urology (EAU) and American Urological Association (AUA). In addition, innovative research has continued to produce novel therapeutic remedies, and several new treatments are expected to receive regulatory approval in the ext years or so. Physicians (especially GPs – general practicioners) should systematically look for ED in any male (in particular in men with higher risk of developing ED).

Keywords: erectile dysfunction, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, therapy.