Via practica 6/2009

Differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy

Lymphadenopathy is defined as lymph nodes that are abnormal in size, consistency or number. The extent of lymphadenopathy is defined as localized or generalized. Lymphadenopathy is commonly encountered by physician in clinical practice and requires a comprehensive evaluation. When initiating a workup, the physician should pay close attention to the size, consistency and number of enlarged lymph nodes, as well as to the patient’s age and any associated symptoms. Lymphadenopathy may be due to hypersensitivity, infection, atypical lymphoproliferative disorders, malignancy, autoimmune diseases, granulomatous diseases and other miscellaneous causes. This article summarizes the evaluation of patients with lymphadenopathy with emphasis on recognition of patients with serious diseases.

Keywords: lymphadenopathy, lymph nodes, symptoms, causes