Via practica 3/2022

Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of postherpetic neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is characterized as pain that persists for more than three months after an individual has overcome shingles, a viral infection also known as herpes zoster. It is the most common complication in immunocompromised patients and leads to a significant increase in the suffering of such a patient. PHN is an example of neuropathic pain – with various neuropathic symptoms. Pain in this disease significantly reduces the quality of life, devastates the personal and professional life of the patient. Therefore, the most important step is to prevent this disease. If, despite the prevention of PHN, it develops, its treatment is based on a combination of several preparations from different pharmacological groups. The condition for optimal treatment is both an experienced doctor who knows and knows the pharmacological possibilities of pain control in PHN, but also an informed patient who has realistic expectations of treatment.

Keywords: pain, neuropathic pain, shingles, postherpetic neuralgia