Via practica 5/2021

Diabesity and hyperuricemia

Hyperuricemia represents a major public health problem at present time. Its prevalence continually increases in all populations in the world and causally affects of many clinical states. Epidemiologic surveys revealed high prevalence of hyperuricemia in developed countries and showed up to 21 % prevalence in US population. Hyperuricemia is an independent risk factor increasing morbidity and mortality risk of whole number of diseases. Obesity is recognized as the cause of a great number of chronic diseases and is an independent risk factor for development of hyperuricemia. Increase of body fat leads to an increase of uric acid levels and its impairment in renal excretion. As for these an early diagnosis of patients at risk and preventive therapeutical interventions are of great importance for daily clinical practice.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperuricemia