Biologická liečba reumatoidnej artritídy // SOLEN

Via practica 9/2009

Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Better understanding of the pathophysiology of autoimmune diseases as well as advancements in biomedical technologies have allowed for the development of new and more effective forms of treatment in rheumatology. There are numerous drugs known under the term „biologic treatment“ and they are characterised by their selective influence on the pathogenesis of the disease. These drugs act either on well defined molecule within the human body or on a receptor. The mechanism of action of these drugs may enhance the treatment effect and may be safer compared to conventional treatment. On the other hand changes to key immunological processes may result in new „other“ unknown adverse effects. Due to the broader spectrum of diseases treated by biologics as well as increased number of treated patients, it is important, that all doctors understand the basic principles of the treatment.

Keywords: biologic treatment, rheumatoid arthritis, anti TNF-treatment