Andrologický pacient z pohľadu kardiológa // SOLEN

Via practica 1/2018

Andrologic patient from a cardiologist perspective

In the cardiologist´s care are often patients treated for erectile dysfunction or prostatic cancer too and, vice versa, in the urologist or andrologist´s care patients treated by internist or cardiologist for hypertension or coronary artery disease. Whereas exist important clinical relationships, which mutually influence diagnostic and therapeutic methods used by both specialists and there is needed to respect them and take them in account. Risk factors for erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease are practically the same, cardiovascular rehabilitation carries benefit not to patients with coronary artery disease only, but to patients treated for prostatic carcinoma too. Secondary hypogonadism at patients hormonally treated for prostatic carcinoma leads to loss of positive testosterone effects on cardiovascular and metabolic system and vitality decrease. Hypertension pharmacotherapy may influence sexual function both men and women. On the contrary, prostatic disease treatment by urologist or andrologist may influence blood pressure values of patient who is treated by internist or cardiologist. Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction could help to cardiologist to earlier recognize of coronary artery disease. This overview provides more detail information on mutual relevant relationships, their pathological-physiological background and their practical impact on clinical patient management.

Keywords: prostatic cancer, erectile dysfunction, hypogonadism, hypertension, cardiovascular rehabilitation, coronary heart disease diagnosis