Via practica 1/2016

Current perspective on treating erectile dysfunction in the general practitioner's surgery

Erectile dysfunction is no longer considered to only be a condition impairing the patient's mental well-being, but also a significant risk factor associated with many serious diseases, particularly of vascular aetiology. Organic causes, whether vasculogenic, endocrine, neurogenic, etc., are the most common reason for developing this disease, with purely psychogenic factors occurring less frequently. However, a psychic component is almost invariably present to some degree, usually as an additional psychogenic overlay. The role of the physician is to detect erectile dysfunction patients early, try to win their cooperation, and begin to solve the situation as soon as possible. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are the drugs of first choice in treating erectile dysfunction. New treatment modalities include the use of shock wave therapy. Early diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction can substantially contribute to patient health and satisfaction.

Keywords: erectile dysfunction, PDE5 inhibitors, erection, shock wave, erectile dysfunction treatment