Vaskulárna medicína 1/2019

University studies of medicine in the territory of present-day Slovakia before the formation of Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava

The oldest university in the territory of present-day Slovakia was Istropolitana University (Universitas Istropolitana; founded in 1465). In the past, among historians predominated an opinion, that the Faculty of Medicine at Istropolitana did not exist. Among Istropolitanaʼs faculties we have minimum historical sources about Faculty of Medicine. But the Faculty of Medicine at Istropolitana existed. The university ended its activity after a short time, similarly to its two Hungarian predecessors, the University of Pécs and the University of Buda. Another important higher education institution was the University of Trnava (Universitas Tyrnaviensis; founded in 1635). The Faculty of Medicine was established de iure in 1769. The Faculty of Medicine as the entire University of Trnava moved in 1777 to Buda, later to Pest. The last university institution in today‘s territory of Slovakia, where was established the Faculty of Medicine, was the Hungarian Royal Elisabeth University. This University was replaced today‘s Comenius University in Bratislava in 1919.

Keywords: university study of medicine, Istropolitana University, University of Trnava, Hungarian Royal Elisabeth University, Comenius University in Bratislav