Prevencia venózneho tromboembolizmu a metastatický karcinóm prsníka // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2016

The prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism and metastatic breast cancer

The venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a very serious clinical problem. Malignances are often reason of VTE and, on the other hand, the venous thrombosis can be before oncological disease. Approximately 20 % of all cases of VTE occur in oncological patients, patients treated with chemotherapy represent about 13 %. VTE is the second most common reason of the death in patients with oncological disease. The risk factors of VTE in oncology include active disease, presence of metastases, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. The incidence of the breast cancer rises on the present. 5 – 10 % of women with breast cancer are diagnosed initially in the metastatic stage, the disease recures in other 30 % of patients in metastatic form. Female patient with the metastatic breast cancer can be interesting group in regard of the VTE. The malignance increases the risk of the VTE. Thromboembolic complications affect also female patients with metastatic breast cancer, that are treated ambulatory. The question of the primary prevention of the VTE is very important.

Keywords: venous thromboembolism, metastatic breast cancer, prophylaxis