Použitie fixačného systému HELI-Fx v endovaskulárnej liečbe aneuryziem abdominálnej aorty s anatomicky nepriaznivým proximálnym krčkom // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2020

Use of the HELI-Fx fixation system in the endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms with an anatomically unfavorable proximal neck

The success of endovascular treatment of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is highly dependent on the anatomy of the proximal aortic neck. Several studies confirm a close correlation between the adverse morphology of aortic aneurysm neck and the incidence of early and late complications and reinterventions. It is estimated that patients with complex proximal neck morphology represent up to one third of all patients with infrarenal AAA. The role of the Heli-FX EndoAnchor system is to ensure better fixation and good seal between the stent graft and the aortic wall. It represents one of the alternatives in the endovascular treatment of some challenging morphologies, both in the case of the initial treatment of AAA as well as in the case of the treatment of periprocedural and late type Ia endoleaks. The authors discuss the specifics of the unfavorable anatomy of the proximal landing zone, principle of Heli-Fx system, indications and technique of the procedure. In the discussion section authors mention other treatment modalities of complex AAAs with emphasis on their limitations and also present results of the global multicenter study ANCHOR.

Keywords: abdominal aortic aneurysm, proximal neck, endovascular treatment, HELI-Fx EndoAnchor system