Laserom asistovaná intervencia v liečbe periférneho artériového ochorenia dolných končatín // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2020

Laser-assisted intervention for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease

The management of patients with peripheral arterial disease is one of the most difficult challenges vascular specialist may encounter. Endovascular treatment is currently widely accepted as the method of choice in the treatment of most arterial pathologies. The increasing popularity of „leaving nothing behind“ concept (treatment without the need for permanent stent or scaffold implantation) has led to a significant rise in the use of atherectomy in treatment of infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease. In this article we present the principle and technique of laser-assisted angioplasty (CELA) as one of the methods of atherosclerotic plaque removal/reduction.

Keywords: laser atherectomy, CELA, peripheral artery disease, complex lesions