História chirurgickej liečby aneuryziem abdominálnej aorty // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2011

History of abdominal aortic aneurysms treatment

Complex of the abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) belongs to the most challenging priorities of the contemporary medicine and surgery. Management of the AAA is exclusively surgical in indicated cases. Both surgical and endovascular procedures, as well, have overcome a complicated evolution since the oldest antique times through the medieval and modern times to present times. In this paper we have tried to present an outline of this evolution to offer a possibility to all modern vascular surgeons and vascular therapeutists – experienced and beginning to obtain an integrated view of the evolution of vascular-surgical techniques and procedures in the treatment of the arterial aneurysms and AAA.

Keywords: aneurysm, medical history, ligation, aneurysmoraphy, external wrapping, reconstructive surgery