Endovaskulární léčba aneuryzmat abdominální aorty – současné možnosti // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2011

Endovascular Abdominal Aneurysm Repair: Current Status

Infrarenal aneurysm of the abdominal aorta (AAA) afflicts 1-6 % of the population older than 60 years of age and its incidence is constantly rising. The rupture of an aneurysm is the most severe complication, which it is usually fatal. The risk of rupture rises with the size of the AAA and this is the most reliable predictor of rupture. The standard surgical treatment technique is the resection of the aneurysmatic sack and its replacement with artificial vascular prosthesis that is sutured to the aorta with vascular stitches. This procedure is characterized by its high invasiveness and hemodynamic complexity. The results of surgical treatment of AAA depend on the morbidity of the patients with the aneurysm. To improve the results of treatment in patients with high operation risk the endovascular treatment of AAA with a stentgraft was implemented into clinical practice in late 1980th and early 1990th. This paper outlines current knowledge in indications, techniques and results of endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair and discusses complications and treatment possibilities.

Keywords: abdominal aorta, aneurysm, stentgraft, prosthesis