Endovaskulárne riešenie aortoiliakálnej oklúzie // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2022

Endovascular management of aortoiliac occlusion

Purpose: Advanced and extensive stages of ischemic disease of the lower limbs often affect polymorbid patients, which increase the risk of an anticipated surgical solution. Case: A 73-year-old man presented chronic limb-threatening ischemia due to infrarenal aortoiliac occlusion. Although the lesion’s anatomic configuration would ideally require surgical revascularization, the patient was not eligible for bypass, therefore, endovascular recanalization was planned. Conslusion: Even in a patient with extensive involvement of the aotoiliac vessels, an invasive examination is necessary, during which an attempt at endovascular treatment can be made. In the opinion of the authors, the benefit of the mentioned procedure outweighs the risk of open surgery and conservative treatment, which would very likely lead to limb amputation.

Keywords: aortoiliac occlusion, endovascular therapy