Chirurgické aspekty ulcus cruris venosum // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 1/2013

Surgical aspects of ulcus cruris venosum

Venous leg ulcers (UCV) are the most serious complications of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) with the presence of 72 % of all leg ulcers. The causes of the UCV are varicose veins of lower extremities – ulcus cruris venosum varicosum or posttrombotic syndrome (PTS) – ulcus cruris venosum posttromboticum. The main pathological factors of CVI are valvular incompetence, venous reflux and venous hypertension, which aggravate the microcirculation, negatively influence nutrition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, resulting in a UCV. The treatment goal is to remove or reduce venous hypertension and improve microcirculation with venotonic and venoprotective remedy.

Keywords: ulcus cruris venosum varicosum, ulcus cruris venosum posttromboticum, diagnosis of UCV, treatment of UCV