Buněčná terapie v léčbě periferního arteriálního onemocnění // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2020

Cell therapy in the treatement of peripheral arterial disease

Treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is based on the limb perfusion and oxygenation improvement of by the surgical, endovascular or hybrid revascularization procedure. The aim of this paper is to offer an up-to-date critical review of the evidence-based medicine data on the position of cell therapy in the treatment of PAD. Compared to the standard conservative treatment, the chance of the defect healing ad integrum is at least double. According to the outcomes of available meta-analyses, cell therapy improves the perfusion and oxygenation parameters in the limb, and it is associated with the pain regression and claudicating interval prolongation. Published data demonstrate the efficacy of cell therapy by lowering the risk of limb amputation. Despite careful interpretation, the results so far can be considered very promising.

Keywords: peripheral arterial disease, critical limb ischemia, stem cells, amputation