Akútna disekcia karotickej tepny ako príčina ischemickej CMP – komplexná endovaskulárna liečba // SOLEN

Vaskulárna medicína 2/2022

Acute internal carotid artery dissection as a cause of ischemic stroke – comprehensive endovascular treatment

Internal carotid artery dissection is a significant cause of ischemic stroke in all age groups, but is one of the most common causes of ischemic stroke in young patients untill the age of 45 years. Patients with symtomatic carotid artery dissection and intracranial embolisation require a comprehensive pharmacological and endovascular treatment in specialised centres. This case report presents a young patient with acute internal carotid artery dissection and embolisation to middle cerebral artery, which was treated by mechanical thrombectomy and reconstruction of dissected internal carotid artery.

Keywords: internal carotid artery dissection, intramural haematoma, ischemic stroke, endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke