Urologie pro praxi 1/2018

Bladder exstrophy – late complication after urinary tract reconstruction

This case-report is about a 43-year old fully living father of two children, who after his birth and during his early childhood underwent a staged surgical management of bladder extrophy. In this repair process it was applied the Gersuny technique of internal continent urinary neodiversion. Due to the predisposition of the neouretra to stricture formation, it was recomnended regular autodilation – he was non-compliant and since his adolescence there was no regular urological follow up. His miction is based on scrotal compression – it is not limiting procedure, but for the last 10 yaers he has noticed the presence of stones in the scrotal sac. Because of this gradually progressive lithogenous process he came to our Clinic in January 2017. Here are described our diagnostic steps and according to pacient preference symptomatic surgical solution. This article also points out the high probability of recurrence and malignant transformation. Recommended aetiological surgery – Bricker ileal conduit is not a well accepted option for our patient.

Keywords: bladder exstrophy, Gersuny reservoir, complications.