Urologie pro praxi 1/2018

Reno-alimentary fistula in kidney arteriovenous aneurysm

We present case of pathological communication between kidney (exactly kidney aneurysm created after uncomplicated kidney resection) and descending colon. Fistulas in the midst of urinary tract and surrounding structures are relatively frequent and persistent problem in urology. Aneurysm is pathological artery enlargement caused by structural changes in artery wall. A-V aneurysm or fistula is anomalous artery-venous communication. Most of cases of fistulas and aneurysms have iatrogenic origin, or due to cancerous, inflammatory or after irradiation processes. Pathological communications between kidney and digestive tract are very rare. Literature mentions less than 1 % cases. Key to diagnosis is clinical investigations and imaging methods. Treatment of choice in our case was extensive surgical intervention.

Keywords: after-resection kidney arteriovenous aneurysm, reno-alimentary fistula.