Papilární renální karcinom – výskyt a charakteristika // SOLEN

Urologie pro praxi 3/2016

Papillary renal cell carcinoma – occurrence and parameter

Malignant tumours of kidney form about 2 percent of the all malignancies. Papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) is discrete group of renal cancers according to WHO 2004 classification. The papillary renal cell carcinomas are divided into two subtypes, type 1 and type 2. Both types differ from each other in histology, genetics, their behaviour and prognosis. There are hereditary forms of the papillary renal cell carcinomas except for sporadic forms of the PRCCs. Study of the hereditary forms contributes to discovery of new targeted therapy. Current targeted therapy is significantly less effective in patients with papillary renal cell carcinoma in comparison to patients with clear cell histology.

Keywords: papillary renal-cell carcinoma, incidence, diagnosis, histopathology, prognosis.