Urologie pro praxi 2/2022

(Un)safe diets with oncology patiens

Due to the oncological disease, there occur changes in the metabolism of nutrients, their use in the body changing the requirements to cover nutritional needs. The natural consequence is an increase in the demand for the composition of the diet and the choice of food as a primary source of nutrients. Patients and their families seek for information available on dietary recommendations from unverified sources that are inconsistent with the current expert advice. From the specifications of diets, it is already possible to detect risks for the patient, such as a development of malnutrition or directly tumour cachexia. An example of a one-day diet provides a possible prediction of covering the nutritional needs. The dietitian, as a medical professional dealing with metabolism and nutrition, should, among others, assess the nutritional status (including the diet) of the patient and indicate the necessary changes in nutrition.

Keywords: oncology patient, nutrition, dietitian, (un)safe diets, supportive care.