Urologie pro praxi 3/2020

Induratio penis plastica

Induratio penis plastica (IPP – Peyronie's disease) is a connective tissue disorder, characterised by the formation of a fibrotic lesion or plaque in the tunica albuginea, which may lead to penile deformity. IPP is a relatively unknown cause of sexual dysfunction. Symptoms may include the occurrence of erectile deformity, pain in the penis, and erectile dysfunction (ED). The etiology of IPP remains mostly unexplained and the effectiveness of drug therapy is still insufficient. Surgical treatment remains the only option when the disease has stabilized in the event of significant erectile and sexual disability. The article gives a brief and up-to-date overview of current knowledge of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and especially IPP treatment.

Keywords: induratio penis plastica, etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment.