Urologie pro praxi 4/2017

Pharmacotherapy treatment of urge incontinence and overactive bladder in elderly people

Overactive bladder, characterized by episodes of urgency, micturition frequency, nycturia and, in majority of patients urge incontinence affect 20–30% of seniors 70 years and over. The treatment of choice are antimuscarininc drugs which consistently prove antimuscarinics superiority over placebo comparably so as in middle age. In old age due to the physiologic age-associated organ changes, frequent commorbidities and polypharmacotherapy antimuscarinics with higher tissue selectivity are recommended, which do not cross blood-brain barrier and those with low risk of drug interactions. Extended release formulations with lower rates of AE are preferred. Scientific evidence and Incontinence Guidelines of EAU 2017 are presented with special focus on old age.

Keywords: overactive bladder, urgency, urge incontinence, elderly, pharmacotherapy, antimuscarinic drugs.