Urologie pro praxi 2/2016

The nature of urogenital fungal infection and its impact on urological practice

Unlike dermatologists and gynaecologists who encounter patients with fungal infections (FI) virtually on a daily basis, in urology, given the fact that the vast majority of urinary tract infections are of bacterial origin, this issue is only of marginal interest. The aetiopathogenesis of FI is relatively complex since a number of fungal organisms live saprophytically under normal conditions; however, under certain circumstances, these fungal organisms start to behave parasitically, thus being able to seriously damage health and, not uncommonly, jeopardise the life of the individual affected. This occurs either through a rise in virulence of a symbiotic strain having vegetated saprophytically so far or by weakening a macroorganism’s resistance since the likelihood and ability of contracting FI is highly dependent on the individual’s immune status, his general health, and the presence of other concomitant conditions. The article presents an overview of the basic groups of fungal organisms causing FI with their impact on urological practice, an overview of antifungal drugs, and their indications.

Keywords: fungal infection, candidiasis infection, antifungal drugs, treatment of fungal diseases.