Urologie pro praxi 1/2017

Emergent management of thermal penis burns

Burn injuries of the penis belong to the rare cases of urological clinical practise, but acute phase management plays a key role, especially in conditions where plastical surgery care is not available. This case report, is about a 47 year-old psychiatric patient, treated for schizophrenia and with a history of self-harm. Here are described the diagnostic steps and mutilation range classification used in a prophylactic system therapy. Urological measures include the urethral or suprapubic cathetrization, first line surgical treatment like the escharotomy and tangential necrectomy with the intent of tissue revitalisation until local conservative preparation for definitive reconstruction (skin graft transplantation) at a specialized surgical Centre is available. This article also highlights the risks connected to the rehabilitation process and finally shows a complex overview on this type of genital injury.

Keywords: penis thermal injury, burn wound management.