Vodičom navigovaná chirurgia nepalpovateľných lézií prsníka // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 1/2015

Wire guided surgery of non palpable breast lesion

Authors analyze a group of 375 female patients who underwent wire guided surgery for non palpable breast lesions in period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012. This group comprised for 25% of all breast surgery patients and 6% of all surgical procedures performed in the Clinic of Surgical Oncology of the National Cancer Institute and Slovak Medical University. Cancer diagnosis (Invasive Carcinoma or DCIS) was confirmed in 181 patients. In 194 patients benign lesions were found. An average age of patients with carcinoma was 58,5 years and 49,7 years in those with benign lesions. The results suggest that localization under magnetic resonance increased probability of early breast cancer detection and treatment. Respecting both technical and time as well as logistics aspects of health care management for patients with BIRADS 4 and 5 breast non palpable lesions, the authors advocate for managed care in centers with adequate personal, material and technical conditions for breast surgery.

Keywords: breast cancer, non-palpable breast lesions, wire guided surgery of breast, managed care.