Slovenská chirurgia 3-4/2018

Pseudotumors of gastrointestinal tract

Inflammatory Pseudotumours /IPS/ occur very rarely. Etiologically, morphologically and histopathogenetically, they are a heterogeneous group. They arise due to chronic non-specific and specific inflammatory changes. In the abdominal cavity they often originate in the stomach (1), liver or spleen (2). They rarely occur at the end of the small intestine and the large intestine, where they can be found at the end (3, 4). The clinical behavior is rather mild, patients are anemic and lose weight. Later, dyspeptic complaints, pain and ileus symptoms are added. Treatment is conservative, but urgent cases need to be operated. The surgeon preoperatively and often also during surgery can not find the cause of the disease because pseudotumor is very difficult to distinguish from the malignant tumor. The aim of our work was to point out the individual types of pseudotumor of the intestine and the possibilities of surgical treatment.

Keywords: Pseudotumors of gastrointestinal tract, diagnosis, urgent operation