Slovenská chirurgia 4/2019

Repeated hospitalizations and operations for the advanced carcinoma of colon sigmoideum – consequence of the diagnostic and therapeutic mistakes (case report)

Wrong and late diagnosis of colon carcinoma leads to repeated hospitalization and surgical interventions. Thus, the adequate treatment of the patient might be late as well as the potential adjuvant therapy. The authors present a case report of the 63-years-old patient who firstly had surgery for stercoral peritonitis due to the perforation of the colon ascendens. During the first hospitalization the narrowing tumor of the colon sigmoideum was overlooked by the radiologist and the surgeon as well. Wrong and late diagnosis of the real cause of the acute abdomen is serious medical problem and often leads to repeated hospitalizations and surgical interventions. However, the life of the surgeon unfortunately brings also these complications. There are a lot of causes and the authors are focused on them in their presentation.

Keywords: wrong and late diagnosis, repeated hospitalizations