Laparoskopická resekcia karcinómu hrubého čreva a rekta, vyhodnotenie výsledkov na Chirurgickom oddelení FNsP v Žiline – 1. časť // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 1/2012

Laparoscopic resection for the large bowel and the rectal carcinoma, summary of the outcomes on the Department of Surgery in Žilina Hospital, part 1.

The aim of autors is to approximate laparoscopic resections of large bowel and rectum in Department of Surgery in Žilina to Surgeons. In this prospective study we enrolled 503 patients, which were operated from 2003 to 2010. We have compared „clasic“ due to laparotomy resection and laparoscopic realized resection of colorectal malignances. After appreciation of analyzed parameters we attain to suggestion, that laparoscopic treatment is better, bring to pacient more benefit.

Keywords: laparoscopic resection, large bowel, rectum.