Implantovateľná inzulínová pumpa v liečbe diabetes mellitus // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 1-2/2020

Implantable insulin pump in the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Insulin pumps are on of the latest methods being developed to compensate for the lack of insulin production from external sources in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). An implantable insulin pump is an option for the treatment of some patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus when an external insulin pump failed to achieve the desired effect in stabilizing the disease despite all precautions. Intraperitoneal administration of insulin is more physiological for human body than traditional subcutaneous administration, as it leads to a more natural gradient of insulin between the portal and peripheral circulation. This results in fewer episodes of severe hypoglycemia, milder fluctuations in blood glucose levels and overally better control of diabetes, which ultimately slows the development of chronic complications – diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy or neuropathy, compared to subcutaneous insulin therapy.

Keywords: insulin pump, diabetes mellitus, intraperitoneal insulin delivery