Slovenská chirurgia 1/2012

Helsinki Declaration and World Health Organization activity Safe Surgery Saves Lives, first experiences

The outcome of surgical patient depends upon the action and responsibility of physician and nurse teams during perioperative period. The safety of the patient is the main goal. In 2008 introduced in New York the World Health Organisation, surgical and anaesthesiological societies, societies of nurses and patients the initiative “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”. This initiative was embraced also in Europe. The checklist with 10 most important items was prepared that should be filled in before, during and after surgery. The purpose of the checklist is to ensure that all steps that should be done are really done. It should not bring more work; it is just a control that the patient has been fully prepared for surgery. If the team has no intention to fill in the checklist or the time can not be allocated then the team is not properly prepared to perform surgery in terms of the line with a motto In somno securitas. Helsinki declaration (on patient safety) has been signed on June 14, 2010 during the annual Euroanaesthesia meeting in Helsinki and was published as Helsinki Declaration for Patient Safety in Anaesthesiology. According the Declaration the safety of the patient during perioperative period should be secured by collaborative activities of all involved professionals. All institutions dealing with such patients in Europe should provide safe anaesthesia to ensure the patient safety and to have protocols and the necessary facilities for the whole period including preoperative evaluation and postoperative pain therapy. We would like to demonstrate our first experiences with introducing Helsinki declaration and surgical checklist in our hospital.

Keywords: surgical patient, safety, perioperative care, Helsinki Declaration, checklist.