Slovenská chirurgia 2/2014

Endoluminal negative pressure wound therapy (endoNPWT) treatment of anastomotic leakage after ileo-anal J pouch anastomosis

Endoluminal negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has recently shown to be effective in treatment of anastomotic leakages following reconstruction on rectum or anal canal. The authors present a case file of a patient, successfully treated for anastomotic leakage following ileo-anal J-pouch reconstruction. Presented patient was treated with modified Vivanomed (Paul Hartmann AG, Germany) sponge. Five NPWT redresses were made, after which the cavity and the defect in anastomosis disappeared. Authors conclude that NPWT treatment can help management of anastomotic leakage after ileo-anal J pouch surgery.

Keywords: anastomotic leakage, NPWT, VAC, wound healing, endoNPWT.