Dr. Denton A. Cooley – neprekonateľný chirurg // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 2/2015

Dr. Denton A. Cooley – unsurpassed surgeon

The fact that somebody is outstanding, we should know it all without exception, although he is far from abroad; NOTA BENE, when yet he is the surgeon. His inventiveness, striking manual skills, organizational talent and hard work are the existential commonplace. Such a man is the only one in the world, a native Texan Prof. Dr. Denton Arthur Cooley, MD, FACS, FRCP, FICS, FRCS (Ireland), FRACS, FRCS (England), FRCM, FRCS (Edinburgh) bravura and memorable surgeon, a founder of one of the most prestigious cardiac surgery and cardiology workplaces around the globe – Texas Heart Institute in Houston (THI), as well as periodical the Texas Heart Institute Journal. He is the last surviving surgeon through whom may be more common medical being virtually touch the other giants who already pronounce their name is literally electrifying - Herman Chiari, Hans Finsterer, Alfred Blalock, Helen B. Taussig, and Russell Brock. Unnecessarily we even inquire into someone similar, he does not exist. It was an immense honor and an unforgettable experience for me, to be repeatedly in contact with him and to feel his kindness, exceptionality and excellence.

Keywords: Dr. Denton A. Cooley, cardiac surgery, Texas Heart Institute.