Slovenská chirurgia 3/2023

Surgical options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy

The breast cancer is the most common malignant disease in women worldwide. The most effective treatment for breast cancer is surgical treatment, for which early and correctly determined diagnosis and the clinical stage of the disease are very important. Modified radical mastectomy is the standard method for patients with breast cancer. The advantage of modified radical mastectomy is that radiation treatment is usually not necessary. The disadvantage is the psychological trauma associated with mastectomy. Plastic and reconstructive surgery provides several options for breast reconstruction. The breast reconstruction itself depends of the tumor´s character and on the type of mastectomy performed, whether of the radiotherapy has been completed and on the general condition of the patient. We divide breast reconstructions according to the time of mastectomy and reconstruction into immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) and to the delayed breast reconstruction. We can reconstruct the breast using alloplastic materials (implants, expanders), with autologous tissue (using flaps) and their combination. Many women in the world decide oto do breast reconstruction. This process is part of the treatment and helps patients to regain their lost femininity, to alleviate the psychological consequences of this diagnosis.

Keywords: breast reconstruction, mastectomy, TRAM flap, DIEP flap