Bilaterálny karcinóm prsníka v gravidite – kazuistika // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 2/2022

Bilateral breast cancer in pregnancy – a case report

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer is defined as carcinoma diagnosed during pregnancy or breast-feeding, up to a year after giving birth. Breast cancer diagnosed during lactation has different biologic behavior and worse prognosis than when diagnosed during pregnancy. Prognosis of pregnant breast cancer patients is similar to non- pregnant patients. Children of mothers who were treated for breast cancer during pregnancy do not show any worsening of physical and psychical disorders. Authors demonstrate case report of 32-years old patient with bilateral breast cancer diagnosed in the 12th week of pregnancy. In this case we demonstrate dignostical and terapeutical procedures, which lead to succesful treatment. They underline importance of early diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary approach to disease.

Keywords: breast cancer, pregnancy, PABC, surgery