Amyandova hernia s gangrenóznou apendicitídou (kazuistika) // SOLEN

Slovenská chirurgia 2/2023

Amyand´s hernia complicated with gangrenous appendicitis (a case report)

Amyand‘s hernia is defined as an inguinal hernia, the content of which is the appendix vermiformis without inflammation, or in the stage of appendicitis. Clinically, it imitates an incarcerated inguinal hernia, an inflammatory process of the subcutaneous tissue, or urological diseases. It typically occurs in men with a peak at about one year of age and over 70 years of age, more often in indirect hernias. Surgical treatment is indicated in every case, but the choice of procedure depends on the presence of appendicitis or the presence of sepsis or other intra-abdominal comorbidity, which takes into account the Losannof Basson classification of Amyand‘s hernia. Primary prolen mesh repair should be the preferred method of inguinal canal reconstruction unless contraindicated. The article brings a case report from our workplace and brings a discussion about prophylactic appendectomy and prolen mesh reconstruction in the field of a clean contaminated wound.

Keywords: Amyand´s hernia, appendicitis, incarcerated inguinal hernia mimics