Ziprasidón v liečbe manických a zmiešaných epizód miernej až strednej závažnosti u pacientov s bipolárnou afektívnou alebo schizoafektívnou poruchou // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax S1/2011

Ziprasidone in the treatment of manic and mixed episodes of mild to moderate severity in patients with bipolar or schizoaffective disorder

The aim of this 12-week, noninvasive, open-label study was to determine the efficacy and safety of ziprasidone in the treatment of manic and mixed episodes of mild to moderate severity in patients with bipolar affective or schizoaffective disorder. 372 patients were enrolled. The effectivness was rated by score change in YMRS, MADRS, CGI-C. Safety was evaluated by occurrence of adverse events and waist circumference and weight changes during the study. Effectiveness and tolerability were assessed by clinician´s and patient´s subjective evaluation, too. Descriptive, explorative statistical analysis was used. Fourteen patients discontinued the study, four of them due to adverse effects. A statistically significant reductions of main scores in YMRS and MADRS were recorded during the study. 90,0 % of patients were rated as „very much improved“ or „much improved“. A reduction of waist circumference and weight, and low occurrence of EPS and akathisia was determined during the treatment period. Ziprasidone proved to be an effective and safe preparation in the treatment of manic and mixed episodes of mild to moderate severity in patients with bipolar affective or schizoaffective disorder.

Keywords: ziprasidone, mania, bipolar affective disorder, schizoaffective disorder.