Psychiatria pre prax 2/2007

The relation of sleep disorders and quality of life

We spent almost 1/3 of life sleeping and quality of sleep significantly influences quality of life. Physiologic sleep is necessary not only for regeneration of mental and physical capacity, for formation of memory traces, i. e. cognitive functions, but also for a number of metabolic processes. Common basis for most of sleep disorders are frequent awakening reactions (of cortical and subcortical origin) that lead to release of stress hormones (mainly kortizol) and acceleration of atherosclerotic changes. The consequence is and increased risk of infarctions, strokes, and other complications. Fragmentation of sleep accompanied by a frequent change of sleep stages, vigility and decreased effectivity of sleep, is a risk factor of metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes type 2 and dysbalance of neuroendocrine and immune system. A frequent sequelae is depression. Physiologic sleep of adequate length and quality is a key factor determining a feeling of „good health“, our performance and has a significant influence upon the quality of life.

Keywords: noctural sleep, quality and quantity of sleep, risk of mortality, commorbidity, insomnia, temporal apnoea.