Psychiatria pre prax 6/2004

Aging of a woman and hormonal replacement therapy

Climacterium (= change of life) is period between a reproduction and oldness, when a function of ovary fades slowly. Overview on contemporary opinions on endocrinology of this process of aging of a woman is presented, on undergoing changes in single organs or systems, on pharmacology, indications and contraindications of hormonal replacement therapy. Women with a uterus are given a combination of oestrogens and progestins (HRT), women without uterus oestrogens only (ERT). HRT/ERT must be indicated and strictly individual. It is still the best treatment for acute climacteric syndrome and for prevention and treatment of genitourinary tract atrophy. The questions on importance, profit and a risk in prevention and therapy of osteoporosis are discussed.

Keywords: aging of a woman, menopause, climacterium, climacteric syndrome, hormonal replacement therapy, oestrogen replacement therapy.