Psychiatria pre prax 4/2001

Pain Problems from the Psychiatrist´s View – Treatment Possibilities

A psychiatrist meets patients with pain problems in the term of his practice more or less daily. The pain involves the subjective life of a patient and in conection with his/her reaction to the pain it could involve, by subjective feeling, the patient´s family members and the environment too. The article deals in pain feeling, meanly from psychiatrist´s view and especialy in peculiarity of pain. A greatest attention is paid to chronic pain because of the importance and severity of such pain, feeling by the patient selve and in the same way on the side of his/her environment. That is why the physician and psychologist have to pai such great attention to this problem. The proper part is about psychopharmacological treatment in painful states by psychopharmacs involving, describing its effect and a list of more often used types of psychopharmacs in special indications is presented and a nonpharmacological, that means psychotherapeutic approach is recomanded too.

Keywords: chronic pain, psychopharmacs, antidepressants, serotonine, psychotherapy.