Poruchy příjmu potravy u dospívajících dívek s diabetm I. typu // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 1/2002

Food Intake Disturbances in Teenage Girls with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

The problem of co-morbidity of food intake disturbance and diabetes mellitus type I is discussed, a review of the literature is presented and the Czech research on this subject is introduced in this article. Continuous monitoring of food intake is typical for the management of patients with type1 diabetes. This excessive attention to food and weight control by both medical personnel and patients themselves could present a risk factor for the development of serious eating difficulties resulting in food intake disturbances. The combination of a food intake disorder and type1diabetes is associated with severe health risks and complications in therapy. Weight-losing diets, vomiting, abuse of laxatives and diuretics, reduction in insulin levels for fear of putting weight on, as well as overeating, interfere with metabolic control. Co-morbidity of these two disorders is believed to increase significantly the risk of late-onset diabetic complications.

Keywords: food intake disturbances, mental anorexia, mental bulimia, prevalence, diabetes mellitus type I, late complications of diabetes.rs.