Poruchy osobnosti v manželství a partnerském vztahu // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 4/2015

Personality disorder in marriage and partnership

Personality characteristics play an important role in predicting marital satisfaction. People with personality disturbances have logically significant difficulties with establishing and maintaining relationships with partner. The link between the dysfunctional marriage and personality pathology of the partners may have the source in the insufficient insight on the own behavior of one or both partners. People with personality disorder experience in the interpersonal relations numerous misunderstandings, misinterpretations, communicate poorly and are more alert to verbal and physical aggression. They do not understand that the source of experienced conflicts have source in their intrapersonal processes and relation to the world. People with certain personality disorders tend to seek and create pathologically stable couples. For the understanding of the dynamics of a relationship, it should be important to analyze personality traits first. Reaching the personality pathology and maladaptive personality dynamics in the context of the relationship could be beneficial for both partners in pair.

Keywords: personality disorder, marriage, partnership, conflict situation, therapy.